Need a gas leak repair or gas line repiping in San Antonio? Rely on AAA AUGER Plumbing Services ® for expert service and affordable gas line installation and repair rates.
If you suspect a leak, that’s a major emergency. Skip to the section below for the things you must do right away.
Symptoms of a leak include a rotten egg smell from an odorant added specifically to make leaks easier to detect. In extreme cases, you might even hear a hissing. Many leaks occur outdoors from underground lines. Here, you may only notice dead or discolored vegetation, but in some instances, you might see bubbling in wet areas or even dirt blowing from the ground.
Finding out you might have a gas leak is a really unsettling experience. We totally understand that. It’s not something you want to take lightly or try to handle on your own. If you even suspect a gas leak in your home or business, don’t wait to call for help from a reliable gas company right away. We at AAA AUGER Plumbing Services® offer 24/7 emergency gas line repair service in San Antonio. We are here to help day or night, weekends, holidays, whenever you need us.
When you call us, you won’t get an automated system or a long wait. You will connect with a real person from our dispatch team. This person will be someone who understands the situation and can help with the solution. They will listen carefully to what you are experiencing, ask some important questions to get a better understanding of the situation, and then immediately dispatch one of our highly trained and experienced gas line experts directly to your location. They are trained to handle these situations safely while reducing the risks to you and your family. So, if you suspect a gas leak, even if you are not entirely sure, give AAA AUGER Plumbing Services® a call.
One of the easiest ways to detect if you have a gas line leak in the home is through a strange odor similar to that of a rotten egg smell. If an odor isn’t detected, then a gas leak may exist if you develop headaches or feelings of dizziness. If others in the home are also experiencing headaches, dizziness, or perhaps difficulty breathing, then this could point to a potential gas leak.
Hissing noises coming from a pipe or gas-powered appliances in the home can also indicate that a natural gas leak may exist. Of course, if you have a natural gas leak detector that has detected a problem, it’s important to not delay and contact us as soon as possible. But before doing so, make sure you exit the home immediately.
We at AAA AUGER Plumbing Services® provide 24-hour emergency San Antonio gas repair service and will be able to dispatch our experienced team without delay should you suspect a gas leak at any time of the day or night.
Whether your gas detector has just gone off or a funny smell emanating from your pipes or near an appliance has alerted you to the possibility of a gas leak, it’s important to give us at AAA AUGER Plumbing Services® a call as soon as possible, no matter the time of day or night. It’s also important to get out of the home or property if you do suspect a gas leak. If a leak exists, our plumbing solutions will ensure the gas line is repaired expeditiously and affordably so you can quickly get back to normal.
AAA AUGER Plumbing Services® has been professionally detecting, repairing, and replacing natural gas systems for decades. Our licensed plumbers receive continual training to ensure the highest level of service for our customers. AAA AUGER Plumbing Services® is the right group of professionals to rely on to get the problem correctly assessed and fixed as efficiently, effectively, and affordably as possible.
Gas leaks are to be taken extremely seriously. Whether you suspect a gas leak in your home or are unsure and would just like to be certain that your gas line is in good working condition, you’ll be able to enjoy top-notch professional gas services when you choose AAA AUGER Plumbing Services ®. No matter the time of day or night, if you need gas line service, then give us a call.
Some leaks are obvious like you can particularly hear them. But others are sneaky and easy to miss. Catching these warning signs early can save you from a lot of trouble and potential danger.
The most common sign is the rotten egg smell. Natural gas doesn’t actually smell like that on its own. They add that scent so you can detect a leak. So, if you suddenly smell something like rotten eggs inside or outside your house, that’s a major red flag. Another thing to listen for is a hissing or whistling sound near your gas lines or appliances. That noise could mean gas is escaping from a damaged pipe or loose connection, and you may have to install a new gas line.
If you notice patches of dead or dying grass or plants in your yard, especially near where your gas lines are buried, that can also be a warning sign. Gas leaks can displace oxygen in the soil, which isn’t good for plants. Inside, watch out for feeling dizzy, nauseous, getting headaches, or feeling extra tired. Those can be symptoms of gas exposure.
If your gas bill spikes for no reason, that could also mean you have a leak somewhere. If you notice any of these signs, get everyone out of the house immediately and call AAA AUGER Plumbing Services® right away. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.
We understand that sometimes you want to save a few bucks and handle a home repair yourself. But when it comes to gas lines, that’s a really bad idea. This is one area where DIY is not worth the risk. Trying to repair a gas line yourself is extremely dangerous and can even put your life and the lives of those around you in danger. Natural gas is highly flammable; even a small mistake can cause a fire or a serious explosion. Also, if you don’t do it right, you could end up with a gas leak, which can be the reason for carbon monoxide poisoning, which is a serious health issue.
On top of the safety risks, doing gas line work yourself can also get you into trouble legally and financially. In San Antonio, you usually need permits for gas line work, and it has to be done by a licensed professional. If you try to DIY it and something goes wrong, your homeowner’s insurance might not cover you, and you will be held liable. So, for your own and your family’s safety and to avoid a huge headache later, always call our qualified and licensed gas line experts.
AAA AUGER Plumbing Services® offers our expert gas repair services across Texas. Whether you live in Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, Irving, San Antonio, or a nearby community, you can count on the certified and experienced plumbing experts from AAA AUGER Plumbing Services®. We offer a variety of plumbing services. You will get the same level of prompt, professional, and safe service across the entire region. So, wherever you are in the service area, if you suspect a gas leak or need a gas line repair, you can reach out to us. Click an icon below to learn more about the services we offer.